Kosciusko County Courthouse
Visit A Local Landmark
The Kosciusko County Courthouse s the county’s best-known historical landmark, due to its central location within both Kosciusko County and its county seat, Warsaw, and a fine example of the Second Empire architectural style while serving as the center of Kosciusko County Government.
Our county officials prioritize caring for and preserving this property, which sends a strong message of the need for the preservation of outstanding public and private buildings.
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Official Stats
Length: 154 feet East to West – Width: 113 feet 7 inches North to South – Height:152 feet
Cubic Feet of Limestone
Pounds of Iron
Square Feet of Plaster
History Of The County Courthouse
Construction Began
Courthouse construction began in 1881 and was finished in 1884.

The cornerstone was laid on May 25, 1882. It took sixteen fully loaded semitrailers to haul all of the iron in the building. If the bricks were set out end to end they would extend about 85 miles. Enough plaster was used in the building to cover an entire football field. A path all the way to Leesburg could be made with the Indiana Olit limestone.

Courthouse Construction Completed
The architect was T. J. Tolan and Joe Baker was the superintendent of construction. The tower was built by Joseph Marshall and all of the interior work was done by G. Hahne. The total cost of the courthouse was $197,799.65, and by today’s standards, was a real bargain.