Cemetery Preservation Project
Documenting More Than 80 Cemeteries
This project began in 2008 and is supported by a core group of volunteers along with financial support from individuals, businesses, and organizations such as:

Project Details
The goal of the cemetery preservation project is to photograph and map all of the county’s 80+ cemeteries. At this time, The Kosciusko County Historical Society has photographed each gravestone, marking its location for GIS and GPS mapping purposes.
Data from each stone, including birth dates, dates of death, and other text, have been entered into a database accessible through Kosciusko County’s Beacon website.
The initial gathering of photos and text was completed in 2013 and is available on the site. The project has now shifted to maintaining data and updating the database with new headstones and information.
Volunteers have also begun attaching obituaries to the website where they are available. This is a multi-year project and we invite you to submit obituaries to the librarian for posting. You can do this via email at librarian@kosciuskohistory.com or reach out with questions using our Contact page.